There are plenty of ways to move our bodies and exercise during the cold winter months. The tips below can help you warm up, improve your mood, and give you more energy to take on the season.
It’s summer! School is out, the sun is shining, and the water is calling your name. With such beautiful weather, you may find yourself spending a lot more time outside. But make sure that you are protecting both yourself and your family. Here are some tips for staying safe while having fun in the sun!
Do you think your kids would do the same thing in the following video? Click here. Bullies, strangers, and dangerous situations can happen at any minute of the day no matter where you are. Teaching your children street smarts is important and good to keep in mind for you too! Put words into action Practice…
Who you choose to love is your decision. No relationship is perfect of course, but picking your roses carefully can prevent you from being stuck by thorns. Think about it.
Try these as your go to tools for managing everything from your doctor’s appointments to what’s for dinner to birth control. Here are our top picks for apps we gotta have!