WIN Network


Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care



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Community Health Workers

Felicia Lane

Once there was a young lady who was pregnant.  She did not know where to receive prenatal care, and had no transportation to get to the doctor. She had no clue about getting what she needed to bring a healthy baby into this world. One day a community health worker came into her life offering support. The assistance she received from the health worker relieved a tremendous amount of stress for her. Most importantly, the beautiful baby grew up healthy, graduated at the top of her class, and went on to get her masters degree at an early age.

I am that young lady.  I was born, raised, and currently live in Detroit. I attribute a great part of my success as a parent to the community health worker that came into my life.  My passion for this work runs deep because of my own experiences. It is a blessing to be a Community Health Worker  in the Detroit area.

Healthy pregnancies and  healthy babies create healthy neighborhoods.  Healthy neighborhoods create healthy communities, and healthy communities produce a healthy nation.

Linda Reyes

Born and raised in Detroit, my family always supported our community. Together we helped our neighbors in whichever way we could, through clean-up, food, support, and transportation.  My Father was a founder and active member within the American GI Form in Southwest Detroit back in the 1970’s.  My call to serve the community came when I was in the Summer Youth Work Program at Latino Family Services. I didn’t want to be there at first, but this was a blessing in disguise. Here I met Angie Reyes. She was the Youth Director, and a well-known advocate in Detroit.

Through her, I learned about other community resources, outreach, and advocacy.  During my time with the Summer Youth Work Programs I also became more involved with projects throughout the City of Detroit, and this encouraged me to become more involved, and active within my community again (I was a baby when my father was active in the community and passed away in 1978 ).  The reason I enjoy being a Community Health Worker is because it is a way I can give back to others the tools that were given to me, and to connect people to resources to become successful.

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Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care