WIN Network


Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care



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Roses and Thorns of Love

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Who you choose to love is your decision. No relationship is perfect of course, but picking your roses carefully can prevent you from being stuck by thorns. Think about it.


Applying for scholarships are a way to help you pay for school. This type of aid may cover your whole tuition, or it may be a one-time award. It is worth the time to apply because it may help lower your costs for school.


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The holidays have come and gone. We made it to a NEW YEAR! We might be thinking on last year saying, “This year is going to be better, but some things MUST CHANGE.” However, after a few days into the New Year, things happen and we’re right back into the same old mess trying to…

We Are WIN Network: Detroit

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What is WIN Network and what are we all about? Check out this video to learn more about our efforts to serve the women and families in Detroit.

Want to get involved? Submit your contact information here, or call us at 313.874.2182.

Char’ly Snow, CNM wins 2018 Kitty Ernst Award from American College of Nurse-Midwives

Char’ly Snow, CNM, Certified Nurse Midwife at Henry Ford Health System and WIN Network: Detroit has been awarded the Kitty Ernst Award from the American College of Nurse-Midwives. This award is given to one midwife each year who has been certified for less than ten years, and has demonstrated innovative, creative endeavors in midwifery and/or women’s health…

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Got an app for that?

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Expecting Together!

Every pregnancy is different. It’s rare that two women feel exactly the same during pregnancy.  However, in our Group Prenatal Care women (due around the same time) share their related experiences and  get useful information. In a group setting, women learn more and get direct feedback from a Henry Ford Certified Nurse Midwife  and  Community…


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Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care