WIN Network


Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care



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Community Mosaic Mural

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On Tuesday, September 23rd we unveiled our Community Mosaic Mural, “Expecting”

This mural represents artwork from 1389 moms, kids, dads, doctors, social workers, grandmas, aunts, uncles, CEOs, nurses, teachers, librarians, and many more.  Over a year we collected art from 10 DPS schools, 3 Detroit Public Libraries, and 4 community events. Each artist was asked to complete an artwork that answers, “With all of life’s demands, our own health often takes a back seat. What can you do to put your health and the health of your children and your family first?”

HUGE thank you to our funding partners PNC Foundation, WK Kellogg, and our Detroit Regional Infant Mortality Reduction Task Force members (Detroit Medical Center, Henry Ford Health System, Oakwood Healthcare System, St. John Providence Health System)!

You can find your artwork in the mural by

  1. Visiting Project SNAP’s website, and clicking Find Your Artwork in a Mosaic,
  2. Entering your name,
  3. Then selecting WIN Network Detroit.

View photos of the event on our Facebook Photo Album


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Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care