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Interfaith Discussion: Caught in Conversation

August 22, 2016 | 6:00 PM

the Muslim Unity Center, 1830 W. Square Lake Rd, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302

Imam Mustapha Elturk, Bro. Al Mascia, OFM and Hazzan Steve Klaper, all teachers and clergy in their respective faith traditions, agreed to meet several times this year for lunch at the Song and Spirit Institute for Peace — with Song and Spirit Co-Founder Mary Gilhuly supplying balance to the round table — and we launched into a discussion of scripture/text, ritual, mysticism, local and world events, a sharing of personal histories/family/education, and more. These free-form, very informal sessions were filmed as we were… caught in conversation.

We were so delighted by these get-togethers, that we’d like to extend the round-table discussions to a larger interfaith gathering.

Please join us as our guest on Monday, August 22 at 6:00 pm. at the Muslim Unity Center, for our first Caught in Conversation event. We will show a 15-minute excerpt from the three longer videos, then break into small groups for dinner and conversation.

It is important to have a balanced group of participants of the Jewish, Christian and the Islamic faith traditions at each table. As a result, this event will not be generally advertised to the community at large, but is by invitation only. There is no charge for this event, but we do need to confirm your attendance. Please fill out the form below and mail it to Song and Spirit, 2599 Harvard, Berkley, MI 48072, or email the information to

Imam Mustapha Elturk, Bro. Al Mascia, OFM and Hazzan Steve Klaper, all teachers and clergy in their respective faith traditions, agreed to meet several times this year for lunch at the Song and Spirit Institute for Peace — with Song and Spirit Co-Founder Mary Gilhuly supplying balance to the round table — and we launched into a discussion of scripture/text, ritual, mysticism, local and world events, a sharing of personal histories/family/education, and more. These free-form, very informal sessions were filmed as we were… caught in conversation.

We were so delighted by these get-togethers, that we’d like to extend the round-table discussions to a larger interfaith gathering.

Please join us as our guest on Monday, August 22 at 6:00 pm. at the Muslim Unity Center, for our first Caught in Conversation event. We will show a 15-minute excerpt from the three longer videos, then break into small groups for dinner and conversation.

It is important to have a balanced group of participants of the Jewish, Christian and the Islamic faith traditions at each table. As a result, this event will not be generally advertised to the community at large, but is by invitation only. There is no charge for this event, but we do need to confirm your attendance. Please fill out the form below and mail it to Song and Spirit, 2599 Harvard, Berkley, MI 48072, or email the information to INVITE

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Can I Develop Diabetes While Pregnant?
Diabetes is a chronic disease that develops when your blood sugar (blood glucose) levels are too high. If you are pregnant, you can develop gestational diabetes (gestational means the time when you are pregnant). About 7 in 100 pregnant women will get gestational diabetes. Even though it usually goes away once a woman is no Read More
I don’t always have transportation. How am I supposed to get to my prenatal care appointments?
Not having reliable access to a car, bus, or other form of transportation can make it harder to get to your healthcare provider throughout pregnancy. There are many free transportation resources in Detroit, even during COVID-19. Additionally, WIN Network: Detroit has more remote offerings to make sure you can receive care. Resources in Detroit Cars: Read More

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Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care