Reunited and It Feels So Good! Group Prenatal Care Reunion April 2018

A couple times each year, we hold a group prenatal care reunion, where our GPC moms, babies and families come back together for a celebration. In April 2018, we held our Group Prenatal Care Reunion for groups P, Q, and R. Our moms, babies, and families joined us for an afternoon of food, photos, games, and catching up! These #LittleWINNER babies are now about 4-6 months old, and we can’t believe how cute they are. It’s always so heartwarming to have our healthy, strong babies and mamas back together. Check out our great photos from this event:
Midwife, Elikem, with her GPC participant, Ja-Brina, with her baby, Kennady.
Chef Julie from Henry Ford Health System joined us to share a healthy recipe with our moms and families.
Community Health Worker, Felicia, with one of our #LittleWINNER babies.
Midwife, Char’ly, holds a GPC baby taking a nap during the reunion.
Want to see more photos from this event? Check them out on Facebook.