WIN Network: Detroit mom advocates for infant safe sleep after loss of her son

Essie Boatwright was a WIN Network: Detroit group prenatal care participant in 2019 when she was pregnant with her son, Alexander. Just 33 days after Alexander’s birth, a tragic accident took his life as he was co-sleeping. Essie has used this tragedy to become an advocate for infant safe sleep to ensure that no family experiences infant loss due to unsafe sleeping conditions. Essie selflessly shares Alexander’s story to educate and advocate for infant safety and warn of the dangers of co-sleeping.
Essie tells parents and caregivers to follow guidelines such as the ABC’s of safe sleep. The ABC’s are an easy way to remember the rules for safe infant sleep. Baby should sleep Alone, on their Back, in a Crib, and in a Smoke-free area.

Co-sleeping, the practice of sleeping together with your baby, can be very dangerous and puts your baby at risk for suffocation and smothering.
In October 2022, Essie shared her story in front of lawmakers, journalists, doctors, and other maternal-child health professionals at the grand opening of WIN Network: Detroit’s Group Prenatal Care Center. Her passion will continue to elevate the importance of supporting maternal and infant health and safety through funding, policy change, and local programs to support and educate families.

Essie Boatwright shares the story of the loss of her son in front of lawmakers, journalists, and maternal-child health professionals at the WIN Network: Detroit Group Prenatal Care Center.
At this event, Essie’s story caught the attention of Click on Detroit, and the local news team featured Essie, her story, and her advocacy in the evening news program on December 5, 2022. Watch Essie’s story on Click on Detroit here.
No infant should die because of unsafe sleeping conditions. Learn more about infant safe sleep and why it’s important information for all parents and caregivers to know.