WIN Network


Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care



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Health Insurance

Healthy Michigan Plan

The Healthy Michigan Plan provides health care benefits to Michigan residents at a low cost so that more people can have health care coverage. Individuals are eligible for the Healthy Michigan Plan if they:

  • Are age 19-64 years
  • Have income at or below 133% of the federal poverty level* ($16,000 for a single person or $33,000 for a family of four)
  • Do not qualify for or are not enrolled in Medicare
  • Do not qualify for or are not enrolled in other Medicaid programs
  • Are not pregnant at the time of application
  • Are residents of the State of Michigan

You can apply online or at the phone number listed above.

*Eligibility for the Healthy Michigan Plan is determined through the Modified Adjusted Gross Income methodology.


Michigan Consumers for Healthcare

The mission of Michigan Consumers for Healthcare (MCH) is to work collaboratively with a diverse alliance of consumers, partners and policymakers to attain affordable, accessible, quality healthcare for everyone in Michigan through education, outreach, advocacy and stakeholder engagement.

MCH works to build a healthy future in which:

  • Healthcare is fundamental and is accessible for everyone
  • Healthcare and health insurance coverage options are affordable for all people
  • Healthcare and health insurance coverage options provide access to quality care that is effective, efficient, patient-centered, equitable and culturally appropriate for our diverse population
  • Consumers are actively involved in every level of healthcare decision making
  • Consumers and their champions shape healthcare policy and regulations to advance and improve our healthcare system


The Institute on Population Health (formally called Department of Health and Wellness Promotion)
Call Center: 313-309-9350

Institute for Population Health
9053 Woodward
Detroit, MI 48202
Contact: 313-309-9350

Maximizes positive health conditions in populations and communities through collaboration, scientific inquiry, and the application of scientific health practices. Provides services for consumer and community engagement, environmental safety and preparedness and behavioral health.


Wayne County Department of Public Health

 640 Temple, 5th Floor
Detroit, MI  48201

The purpose of the Wayne County Department of Public Health is to provide environmental health, nutritional health, community health, emergency preparedness, women and children’s health and communicable disease prevention and control services to all Wayne County residents, businesses and visitors so that they can enjoy good health and be safe during emergencies. Some of the Department’s programs include:

•  Nutritional Program Services (WIC)
The purpose of the Nutritional Program is to provide nutrition assessment, education and counseling, food assistance and referral services to low-income eligible women (who are pregnant and post-partum), infants and children (until their 5th birthday) so women can deliver healthy babies, children can experience normal growth and development, and families can make healthy food choices.

•  Women and Child Health Services Program
The purpose of the Women and Children’s Health Services Program is to provide preventive health services, treatment, assessment, education, case management, and referral services to eligible Wayne County women and children so they can obtain information, utilize health services, and prevent the onset of disease.

•  Community Health Services Program
The purpose of the Community Health Services Program is to provide access to health services, education, disease prevention and referral services to Wayne County residents so they can live longer and free of disease.



Do you have a question you’d like to ask Winnie?

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Can I Develop Diabetes While Pregnant?
Diabetes is a chronic disease that develops when your blood sugar (blood glucose) levels are too high. If you are pregnant, you can develop gestational diabetes (gestational means the time when you are pregnant). About 7 in 100 pregnant women will get gestational diabetes. Even though it usually goes away once a woman is no Read More
I don’t always have transportation. How am I supposed to get to my prenatal care appointments?
Not having reliable access to a car, bus, or other form of transportation can make it harder to get to your healthcare provider throughout pregnancy. There are many free transportation resources in Detroit, even during COVID-19. Additionally, WIN Network: Detroit has more remote offerings to make sure you can receive care. Resources in Detroit Cars: Read More

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Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care