WIN Network


Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care



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Get Connected

WIN Network: Detroit is here to be your back up. We want to support you on your path to accomplishing your goals, work with you to create a happy and healthy life for you and your family, and be there for you through your pregnancy. Let us help to connect you to the tools, skills, information, and resources that you need to be your best.

Connect With WIN Network: Detroit 

There are lots of different ways that you can connect with WIN Network.

Call us: 313-874-2187

Like us on Facebook: WIN Network Detroit

Follow us on Twitter: @WINNDetroit

Follow us on Instagram: @WINNDetroit

Use the #DetroitWINNER hashtag!

Connect With other WIN Network Women

WIN Network wants to make it easy for you to connect with other women who have been or are going through similar things. When women come together to share their stories, expertise, and support each other through these life changes amazing things can happen.

Join the Women of WIN Network Facebook Page! Connect with other women to share resources, updates to programming, and much more.

Our WIN Network Groups:

For young moms enrolled in the program, we have the Real Moms of Detroit group. For young women, we have the Fabulous Young Inspired (FYI) group. Both groups offer women the chance to talk and share their own stories with other women in their community. You also gain information and skills on different topics that you can use in your everyday life and participate in activities like dance and cooking sessions.

WIN Network on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages are about more than staying up to date with the program, it’s a way to connect with other women and hear what they have to say. See what people answer to questions posted by WIN Network, or ask your own. Share pictures, resources, articles, recipes and other information that you think other women would find interesting.

Connect with your Own Support Team

Social support means having people who you can go to in times of need. They make up your support team. You might be used to taking care of yourself, but having a team of people who care about you has many benefits. Their support is good for your health. These people can help you handle situations that cause you stress.

Do you have a question you’d like to ask Winnie?

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Ask Winnie!

Can I Develop Diabetes While Pregnant?
Diabetes is a chronic disease that develops when your blood sugar (blood glucose) levels are too high. If you are pregnant, you can develop gestational diabetes (gestational means the time when you are pregnant). About 7 in 100 pregnant women will get gestational diabetes. Even though it usually goes away once a woman is no Read More
I don’t always have transportation. How am I supposed to get to my prenatal care appointments?
Not having reliable access to a car, bus, or other form of transportation can make it harder to get to your healthcare provider throughout pregnancy. There are many free transportation resources in Detroit, even during COVID-19. Additionally, WIN Network: Detroit has more remote offerings to make sure you can receive care. Resources in Detroit Cars: Read More

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Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care