WIN Network


Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care



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local resources

More Housing Resources!

| assistance, family, housing, local, local resources, resources

Finding housing for you and your family can be tough. Check out the resources below in the attachments for local housing resources.

Lettuce Eat

| assistance, budget, Detroit, eating healthy, family, food, health, healthy eating, healthy food, local resources, nutrition, resources

We want to feed our family the best. It may seem that trying to buy healthy, local, fresh food is expensive. A great option is to grow your own food!

Roses and Thorns of Love

| assistance, dating, domestic violence, family, health, health care professionals, healthy, healthy relationships, help, inspiration, local resources, love, mental health, organizations, programs, relationships, resources, safety, services, stress, support

Who you choose to love is your decision. No relationship is perfect of course, but picking your roses carefully can prevent you from being stuck by thorns. Think about it.

Community Mosaic Mural

| art, children, community, creativity, Detroit, eating healthy, encouragement, event, family, food, free, giveaway, giveaways, healthy food, inspiration, local resources, music, resources

On Tuesday, September 23rd we unveiled our Community Mosaic Mural, “Expecting” This mural represents artwork from 1389 moms, kids, dads, doctors, social workers, grandmas, aunts, uncles, CEOs, nurses, teachers, librarians, and many more.  Over a year we collected art from 10 DPS schools, 3 Detroit Public Libraries, and 4 community events. Each artist was asked…


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Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care