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Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care



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CHW Spotlight: Nada Dickinson

Nada Dickinson is a Community Health Worker (CHW) with WIN Network: Detroit, a lifelong Detroiter, a mother, and a passionate advocate for women’s empowerment. As a Community Health Worker, Nada helps women who are pregnant navigate their emotional, physical, and social needs. She guides women to the resources they need for themselves and their growing families, and works with a Certified Nurse Midwife to ensure her patients are prepared for birth and baby.


How long have you been a CHW?

I have been a CHW for 6 years. I learned about a CHW role during a training facilitated by Dr. Rowland from the Detroit Health Department. After the training, I fell in love with this work. I knew I could contribute to the change that is needed in our communities.

What is your favorite memory as a CHW?

My favorite memory was assisting a woman that was in a shelter. I connected her to a resource through Housing and Urban Development that paid her rent in an apartment for 3 years.

What is your favorite topic to cover in group prenatal care?

My favorite session is session 5. During this session we take the moms on a tour of the Labor and Delivery unit at Henry Ford Hospital. I love seeing the faces of our group prenatal care moms and dads, because it brings it all into reality when they are in Labor and Delivery. They have so many questions, and they know a lot already because of the information they learned in group prenatal care.

What is the biggest challenge you face as a Community Health Worker?

Not having enough resources is the biggest challenge. In the beginning (of WIN Network), we had an abundance of resources, and were able to get women into social service programs. Now, there are not enough resources because a lot of programs have been shut down.

Why is it important for a mom to have Community Health Worker support during pregnancy?

It’s important for moms to know they are not alone. Pregnancy is a very emotional experience, and you need someone to help you that can help navigate those emotions, so that mom can just focus on her and her baby’s health.


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See Nada and her great work in our videos:

Finally Full-Term: April and Ava

What is Group Prenatal Care?


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Having a Baby? Get Prenatal Care